Then two years ago we went with the Wandering Winos -yes, that's what they call themselves. It was a three-day wine tasting extravaganza - probably quite entertaining for the Winos - not so much for me. That trip I remember a little more about. It was cold, very cold. And there wasn't much majesty as I remember. Evidently, December following a two-year drought is not the best time to see Yosemite at its majestic best. There was nary a drop of water coming off the falls - just cold, gray stone. The creeks were dry, the plants were dead. So I really had to search for the majesty. I did get a really nice pic of the sun peeking out behind Half Dome. And I managed to capture (on film, that is) a group of deer (herd? pride?) grazing nearby. And I do remember it being quite cold, did I mention that?
So this trip oughta be just chock full of majesty, what with all the rain/snow we've been having lately! Our friends have been preparing us for the trip. "Bring every pair of walking/hiking shoes you have, in case they get wet or muddy when you're out hiking. You'll have another pair to change into for the next outing." My take? If the walking/hiking shoes I bring get wet/muddy, that's my cue to stay in the cabin until they're dry/clean. Oh well! No more hiking today. Shoes still wet! Anybody know who's on Oprah?
I asked if there would be a coffee pot in the room (again don't remember much from last trip except the coooolllld). No, Outdoorsy tells me. But she's pretty sure there's a hair dryer. So, no coffee pot, but maybe a hair dryer. Room amenities? One. One room amenity - MAYBE...
The next time I talked to Joanne she asked me if I had a backpack. She didn't wait for my answer, clearly reading my look of bewilderment. Not to worry, she has one I can borrow. For what, I ask. To carry my lunch and other incidentals for our hikes. No, no, no. She again misunderstands my interpretation of "hike." A hike is a longish walk that one takes BETWEEN meals. Hikes are planned and timed to return participants to the vicinity of the Food Court in time for the next meal. So maybe an hour to an hour plus, if it's not toooo cold. And if it is too cold, the hike will consist of the distance between our cabin and said Food Court. And I'm sure I'll find all the majesty I can digest right there, thankyouverymuch. This is going to be one memorable trip. Stay tuned.
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